
A specific version of a JSend Success Response-type (see paragraph 6.6.1). The data contains:

Element Description Type Mandatory
valditBusinessEntity Business Entity for which the Vat Checks are performed valditBusinessEntity object (see paragraph 8.1) yes
vatNumberChecks Collection of Vat Number Checks performed for the Business Entity Array of vatNumberCheck objects (see paragraph 8.2) yes
correlationId Echoes the correlationId supplied in the request, when available string no

Table 13: vatNumberSuccessResponse Model elements


{ “status”: “success”, “data”: { “valditBusinessEntity”: { “_id”: “6dbfd244-c736-4fd7-8cca-e67da312efdf”, “companyName”: “SA S.A. SPA MONOPOLE, COMPAGNIE FERMIÈRE DE SPA”, “vatNumberValidationInfo”: { “vatCountryCode”: “BE”, “vatNumber”: “0420834005”, “lastCheckResult”: “valid”, “lastCheckDate”: “2016-07-25T07:23:55.2096812Z”, “vatRegisteredAddress”: “RUE AUGUSTE LAPORTE 34\n4900 SPA”, “vatNumberFormatValid”: true, “vatCheckRecurrence”: “none” }, “businessAddress”: { “street”: “Rue Auguste Laporte”, “houseNumber”: 34, “postalCode”: “4900”, “city”: “Spa”, “countryCode”: “BE”, “formattedAddress”: “Rue Auguste Laporte 34, 4900 Spa” } }, “vatNumberChecks”: [ { “checkResult”: “valid”, “countryCode”: “BE”, “vatNumber”: “0420834005”, “companyName”: “SA S.A. SPA MONOPOLE, COMPAGNIE FERMIÈRE DE SPA”, “companyAddress”: “RUE AUGUSTE LAPORTE 34\n4900 SPA”, “checkDate”: “2016-07-25T07:23:55.2096812Z”, “consultationNumber”: “WAPIAAAAVYg8EXul” } ] } }