POST Authorization
All Valdit APIs use OAuth 2.0 for Authorizations. Paragraph 6.2 contains detailed information on using the Valdit OAuth 2.0 Identity system for API Authorization.
OAuth 2.0 Scopes
Scopes are used to grant an application different levels of access to data on behalf of the Customer. The POST Operation requires the ‘vatnumberchecks:write’ scope to be used when requesting an access- token. To receive the structured Business Address also the ‘addresses:geocode’ scope must be requested.
OAuth 2.0 Flows
The POST Operation supports access tokens obtained through one of these Flows:
OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant, using the ‘vatnumberchecks:write’ scope.
OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials, using the ‘vatnumberchecks:write’ scope.
The ‘vatnumberchecks:write’ scope can be combined with the ‘addresses:geocode’ scope in order to receive structured Business Addresses.
The access token must be included in the Authorization header of the request.