Pricing Model

The Valdit VAT Validation API is offered using a transparent Pricing Model. This model is based on the number of VAT number validations performed, per month.

Usage counting

The following usage is counted:

  • The first validation of a VAT number (using a POST operation)
  • Subsequent validations of the same VAT number performed on demand (using a PUT operation)
  • Automated validations performed according to the schedule that you set on the Valdit Business Entity, either when requesting the first validation (POST) or via an update to the schedule (using a PUT operation) Accessing existing information on the Valdit Business Entity, including any previous validation results (using a GET operation), is not counted towards your usage. In other words, you can view your existing information for free.

In case any validation (performed as a result of a POST, PUT or scheduled validation) needs to be postponed due to unavailability of the EU VAT VIES system, such a validation will be only counted once.


The API is priced using two tiers. Within the first tier, you will be buying a predetermined and fixed amount of monthly validations (credits). Three options are offered: 800, 2000 and 4000 monthly credits. Credits must be used within the month for which they are issued. Unused credits will be invalidated at the end of the month.

The second tier is used for 4000 monthly validations and up. Here, a bespoke contract will be used, in most cases based on an agreed rate per check.

Please contact us at for information on current pricing and ordering.